Thu, Oct 05
|House Ter Heide
Return day BQ | October 5: System setup by: Henk Ras and Hilbrand Weststra
Tijd & Locatie
Oct 05, 2023, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
House Ter Heide, Amersfoortseweg 59, 3712 BB Huis Ter Heide, Netherlands
Over BaseQamp
Why do you do what you do? What causes your repetitive behavior?
A systemic family constellation is a therapeutic technique used to reveal problems and conflicts within family systems. It can be an effective method to make your invisible but obstructive patterns visible, so that a healing movement can be initiated. Problems or trauma often arise from events in our childhood and we hide them away through an effective survival mechanism. It sometimes goes so far that it covers the primary emotion of fear with a thick layer of secondary emotions, so that you no longer feel the pain on a daily basis. We have become unconscious and act on autopilot. And although these recurring patterns can be hindering for us, the autopilot ensures that we continue to do what we always do. That has brought us to the point where we are now. That is what ensured our survival. It's like holding a ball underwater. The deeper you push it, the heavier it becomes. Until it doesn't work anymore.
In a family constellation, the drafter uses representative figures or people who symbolize the different members of the family. The representatives are positioned in the room, making the family pattern visible and gaining insight into the emotional and relational dynamics within the family.
Family constellations are led by an experienced counselor who guides the representatives and asks them questions to identify emotions and desires. The constellations are usually an intensive and emotional experience and can provide profound insights.
Henk is a participant of BaseQamp 3 and completed the family constellations training at the Institute for Systemic Work from January to June. He will start the Organization of Constellations training at the beginning of 2024 and in the meantime he will complete as many flying hours as possible in systemic work.